Director: Edmund Goulding
Awards--none that we know of...
Starring: Tyrone Power; Joan Blondall; Coleen Gray
sez says: This is a bit of a hidden treasure. It is not a fabulous, wonderful, ya gotta see it right now sort of treasure--but more of a it is worth seeing sometime sort of treasure. It has a touch of noir style--focusing on the underbelly of society. The acting is a bit hokey--but the story is interesting. Tyrone Power plays a 'natural born' con artist--who find his calling working in a carnival. He does all sorts of underhanded things to become famous--then he gets his come-up-ance. It held my attention eve though it was clear where it was going. (My grade is C+ --and might have been higher if the acting wasn't so silly in places)
15 years ago